Processing de immaculatam ferro LABIUM indiget intelligere et attendere ad aliqua difficultates

I, Weld defectus: immaculatam ferro FlangeWeld defectus sunt gravi, si est utor manual mechanica molere curatio modum facere, tunc molere marcas, unde inaequaliter superficiem, afficit speciem;
II, Polising et Polising passivation non uniformis:Pickling Passivation curatio post manual molere et politura, pro magna workpiece area, difficile ad consequi uniformis curatio effectus, potest non specimen uniformis superficiem. Etiam habet incommodum homo, hora costs, forcia costs sunt altior;
III, scalpit difficile ad removendum:overall pickling passivation, in the presence of corrosive medium will occur chemical corrosion or electrochemical corrosion and rust, also can not remove due to scratches, welding splash and adhere to the surface of stainless steel carbon steel, splash and other impurities;

Ut solvere problema estimmaculatam ferro FlangeProcessing?
I, Select Blanking:Post completionem, in proximum, aliud immaculatam ferro workpiece secundum dispensando requisitis in correspondentes processus;
II, inclinans ad primam in magnitudine,Secundum trahens immaculatam CCCIV seamless ferro fistulam materialium crassitiem determinare inclinata cultris et cultro canalibus, vitare products cum cutting instrumentum collisionem fecit deformatio est clavis ad lectio MORE (in longo deformatio est clavis ad lectio MORE (eodem products, utuntur diversis exemplar ad crassitiem et lectio inferioris mori secundum crassitiem tabulas.
III, ut welding firmum est:on to the welding workpiece convex point, can make the bumps in front of the electric welding and plate uniform contact, to ensure the consistent of each point to heat, welding position can be determined at the same time, the need for welding, to adjusted the preloading time, the holding time, maintaining time and rest time, ensure the workpiece can spot welding is firm.

Post tempus: Jul-09-2021

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