Magna castings et remittings habere wide foro

Zhang Guobao, Deputy Director of National Development et reformation Commission, dixit quod in proximo paucis annis, in progressionem Sinis scriptor potestate, Petrochemical, Metallurgy et shipping industria et ludere a ingens partes in driving industria et exiguam et fabrica et industria
In this situation, the major heavy machinery manufacturing enterprises are expanding capacity, vigorously promote product technology localization of heavy group general manager Richard rich recently said in an interview with the media, the company a total investment of 2.32 billion yuan of the international first-class casting steel base, and of the construction is underway, the ongoing nuclear crankshaft three major hydropower project is drawing to a close, build complete workshop closed, some equipment began to put into production, the overall progress smoothlyUnder the right conditions, Erzhong Group (Deyang) Will reapply for A public offering of no more than 300 million A-shares, and part of the funds raised will be invested in large-scale localized transformation projects of hydroelectric forgings, said Wang Ping, chief producer of the company.The third generation nuclear forging transformation project;Independent construction of complete Sets of apparatu ad magnum calidum continuum volvere molendini; Ventus Turbine Main Shaft Industrialization Project et magna casting et Forging numeralis simulation Project of National Engineering Laboratory

Post tempus: Iul-15-2020

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