Improving et Plasticity Dolonos et reducendo deformatio resistentia

Ut faciliorem metallum blank influunt formatam, rationabile mensuras superiores potest ad redigendum deformatio resistentia et salvare industria apparatu. Plerumque sequenti accedit adoptari;
I) dominum characteres de fabricatione materiae, et lego rationabile deformatio temperatus, deformatio celeritate et deformatio gradus.
II) ad promovere homogenization de chemical compositionem et norma statu de materia, ut magna ferro ingot cum altum stillam, homogenization curatio ad altum temperatus, ita ut amplio plasticity ad altum temperatus, ita ut amplio plasticity in materia.

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3) select and determine the most favorable deformation process, such as forging difficult deformation, low plasticity of high alloy steel forging, in order to upset the surface of the material in the state of pressure, to prevent tangential tension and the generation of cracks, can be used to forge the package upsetting process.
4) use different tools to operate, and correct use of tools can improve the non-uniformity of deformation.If pull out long axis type forging, can use V shape anvil or round anvil, make the forging surface pressure increases, thereby the plasticity improves somewhat, and can prevent the forging surface and the heart to produce the crack.
V) amplio operatio modum ad redigendum impulsum friction et refrigerationem in colaging Billet et vitare conturbant cracking.for exempli, pro colaging pancakes de humili plastic materia, quod potest solvitur per processum perturbantibus, ut non potest solvitur, ut intermissione et conversus est in secundo, ut inter se conturbant, ut inter se conturbamur, ut in secundo conturbant.

VI) in adoption of melior lubrication mensuras potest amplio superficiem condicionem fabricat et formam, reducere influentiam frictionem et deformationem, ita reducendo deformatio resistentia.



Post tempus: May-11-2020

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