CLXVIII Dimittings Network: Quinque Basic Structures ferrum - Carbon Alloy!

I. Ferrite
Ferrite est interstitial solidum solidum solidum formatae per ipsum dissolvi. It is often expressed as or F.It maintains the bulk centered cubic lattice structure of alpha -Fe.Ferrite has low carbon content, and its mechanical properties are close to those of pure iron, high plasticity and toughness, and low strength and hardness.
II. Austenite
Austenite is A interstitial solid solution of carbon dissolved in -Fe, usually expressed as or A.It maintains the face-centered cubic lattice structure of gamma-Fe.Austenite has higher carbon solubility than ferrite, and its mechanical properties are characterized by good plasticity Low vires humilis duritia et facilis plastic deformatio.


III. Cementitus
Cementite is a compound formed by iron and carbon, whose chemical formula is Fe3C.It contains 6.69% carbon and has a complex crystal structure.The cementite has a very high hardness, poor plasticity, almost zero, and is a hard and brittle phase. Cementite plays roborans partes in ipsum ferrum-Carbon Alloys, altior carbonis contentus, magis cementite, superior duritia et inferioribus plasticity alloys.
IV. Pearlite
Pearlite is a mechanical mixture of ferrite and cementite, usually denoted by P.The average carbon content of pearlite is 0.77%, and its mechanical properties are between ferrite and cementite, with high strength, moderate hardness and certain plasticity.By heat treatment, the Cementitus potest distribui in granulis formam in Fermento vulvam. Hoc genus structuram dicitur sphaerici et comprehensive perficientur melius.
V. Ledeburite
LeutumTenite est mechanica mixturam austenite et cementite, plerumque exprimitur ut ld.the mediocris carbon contentus de LeutumTite erat 4,3% .when ad DCCXXVII ℃, in Leustate et convertentur in Pearlite in Pearlite et cementite, LeutumTenite ad humilis temperatus, significatum est a LD '.The Microstructure LeutumTenite fundatur in cementite, ita et mechanica proprietates sunt dura et fragilis.

Post tempus: Aug-03-2020

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